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15 Benefits of Using IT Services for Perth Businesses

15 Benefits of Using IT Services for Perth Businesses

Igor Pavic Igor Pavic
Originally published on July 22, 2024
Last updated on October 14, 2024 Post a comment

Reliable, modern IT services help Perth businesses remain efficient, protected and competitive in their respective industries.

In Western Australia, IT-related resources become more crucial than ever for businesses to keep up with demands and competition. So, whether you’re a small local business or a large multi-national corporation, the benefits of using IT services in Perth are worth the time and investment, considering the rewards tremendously outweigh the cost. 

Having the right IT services for business is essential to innovation, and, if implemented right, you get various benefits, from reducing your operational costs to harnessing the expertise of IT professionals. These benefits will help you gear towards sustainable growth and success. With IT, accomplishing business goals is within reach now more than ever. It has revolutionised how businesses operate and unlocked possibilities for innovation and growth.

If you’re considering the value of IT services for your Perth business, this article will outline the benefits of IT services and how they can help you scale to new heights.

What are IT services for Perth businesses?

Managed IT services for business can be defined as an IT-related service managed by an external provider or company. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) assist businesses of all sizes with their technical support requirements with their expert-managed services. 

Most local small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) use the following services to streamline and enhance their business operations

  • Cloud computing
  • Cyber security
  • IT support
  • Virtual CIO and;
  • Unified communications

Whilst the above services are the most popular, businesses of all shapes and sizes leverage the power of varied managed IT services across the board, in order to help drive growth in a practical and cost-effective sense. For one, it frees up valuable time and resources so you can focus more on core business goals. So, whether you’re looking to scale or optimise your operations, investing in IT services for your Perth business can bring in new opportunities for success.


The benefits of using IT services for your Perth business

There are numerous benefits of using IT services that are robust, reliable, and efficient in order to improve your business operations. We've shortlisted our top 15 benefits below based on the factors that matter most to business owners.   

1. Faster response time for technical issues

Information Technology (IT) is the backbone for many businesses. If your IT is down, so are your operations. A dependable managed IT service team will ensure your technology is always running. And if something’s broken, they should be on it before you can submit a support ticket. This is where the value of reliable IT services for business is worth its weight in gold, or bandwidth, or firewalls for that matter!  

A well-managed IT service provider can offer a variety of benefits including;

  • Reducing downtime by responding to technical issues before they affect your operations.
  • 24/7 IT support regardless of location so you can focus on your core operations without worrying about disruptions.
  • Peace of mind knowing expert assistance is just a phone call away.

2. Access to a team of IT professionals

IT experts and professionals are hard to come by. Worse is their services can be expensive for SMBs. Additionally, recruitment costs and onboarding processes can be a real pain in the behind, and that’s just the start.

Not everyone has the time or budget to hire their own in-house IT professional/team. During an IT-related disaster, they might not be well-equipped or trained yet enough in your systems. With managed IT services, you access a team of IT professionals without worrying about salary, training, and onboarding. These IT experts have all the necessary experiences and skills you require to provide top-tier IT support services in your Perth businesses.

MSPs will assign dedicated personnel to each function to ensure each stage of your IT has a specialised approach that guarantees high-quality service from start to finish.

3. Scale IT as the business grows

When your business grows, your IT requirements grow along with it. A trusted IT services provider can assist you in smoothly scaling up your operations as you expand – and that also includes scaling down.

Whatever direction you want, your IT service provider will work on making your goal a reality, whether it's adding extra services or reducing them as needed. You no longer have to worry about paying too much for IT services – and only pay for what you use. And since you’re leaving your Perth business in capable hands, you can now prioritise growth and development rather than technical issues and maintenance tasks.

Woman at laptop using IT services for her Perth business

4. Quickly adapt to changing business needs

Small and medium-sized businesses usually lack the resources to support their internal IT team. 

Hiring an entire IT department or training your current one costs thousands. And with the limited budget that SMBs already have, it’s wildly impractical to invest in such expenditures when can’t always guarantee employee retention over time. With that on your back, your growth is limited.

With the help of IT support services for your Perth business, you access reasonably priced plans that will help you adapt to changing business needs without giving up an arm and a leg. This IT service benefit eliminates the hefty cost of managing your IT and the need to hire and train new employees so you can focus on your core business without the burden of IT-related tasks. With this accomplishment, you can respond to market changes, implement new technologies, and drive growth through enhanced productivity and competitiveness.

5. Protect sensitive data from cyber threats

Hackers tend to target small to medium-sized businesses, contrary to popular belief. They see SMBs as easy prey due to their limited resources and security measures compared to large corporations. The thing about hackers is that they never discriminate.

Resilience is also a known trait hackers have. They evolve tactics and create increasingly sophisticated malware to bypass new security techniques. That’s why SMBs must prioritise investing in cyber security, as new strains of malware and viruses get released daily. But one thing to note is businesses in Perth can’t always fight these risks by themselves. They need the help of IT and cyber security services to mitigate potential risks that can harm their business.

A trusted managed IT services provider will ensure your networks stay protected at every point, from the data centre to end-users. This process typically involves network monitoring and management and implementing the necessary security measures to prevent potential threats and breaches.

With an MSP, you can empower your Perth business with a layer of defence that saves time and resources and safeguards you against potential catastrophic outcomes.

6. Access to cutting-edge tools

Gaining access to cutting-edge IT tools can be challenging. But there’s one convenient way to secure that under your belt without the hefty investment cost – with the help of an IT services provider. MSPs are always on top at being on top with the latest industry trends and tools, so your IT systems are constantly up-to-date and secure.

Staying updated with the latest technological advancements is one of the hardest things to maintain for Perth SMBs. And by not investing in such, you’re missing out on business opportunities that would have enhanced operational efficiency. Tools for reporting and analytics are some of the best you can have as they help interpret data and assist in decision-making and efficient resource allocation to help you create better business outcomes.

The right IT services provider for your Perth business should have a detailed understanding of your business goals and objectives so you can use the best technology according to your requirements. Aside from tools, they should also guide you in optimising operations that align with your KPs.

7. Streamline processes to increase efficiency

As an IT service provider, we’ve worked with many Perth businesses with their IT. One of the most common problems they have is that they still use outdated hardware and legacy software. Most of the time, we find that these assets are causing them constant disruptions and downtime.

The role of an MSP is to ensure you always have constant access to the latest updates and advancements that will enhance your systems’ security and performance to keep operations running smoothly without the risk of downtime or slowdowns.

You can entrust them with specialised IT responsibilities such as network monitoring, data backup, cyber security, and IT support so you can focus on what matters most to your business. Take note that this is simply the standard services offered in an IT plan. Look into your service agreement and see the services included in your plan.

8. Reduce operational costs

IT services for business are an investment. And if you’re a Perth business with limited funds, you’d want your IT services budget spent in the best way possible. Yes, you can hire your own internal IT team, but you’d have to consider the cost of recruitment, salary, training, benefits, etc. You'll also have limited access to specialised expertise and industry knowledge. A more affordable option is to work with a managed IT service provider.

Using MSPs can help businesses;

  • Manage your IT department and/or services so you don't have to 
  • Tap into a wider pool of experts with diverse skill sets
  • Get equipped to tackle complex IT problems efficiently
  • Access cost-effective solutions without needing to resource an internal team
  • Unlock internal resources so you have more time to run the business and deliver strategic initiatives.

Another crucial benefit of working with an MSP is your monthly IT expenditures are set in stone before they start implementing solutions. Before they work on your IT, you should negotiate a predictable monthly budget with a layout of all the services included in the plan. With this plan, you can scale up or down to ensure you have enough resources to support customer demands.

Your Perth business can benefit from partnering with IT service providers like Office Solutions IT, with its fixed monthly fees that cover multiple aspects of IT management that you require. This perk comes in handy, knowing that you don’t have to worry about unexpected expenses and hidden fees while optimising your operations.

9. Avoid upfront hardware and software expenses

When considering the cost of your corporate IT services, it must be said that maintaining an IT infrastructure is expensive. No matter how much you’ve invested in your hardware and software assets, there will come a time when they will become obsolete, and you’ll outgrow them. And once that time comes, you’ll need to invest in a new set of hardware and software to keep up with your growing operations.

One of the benefits your Perth business can get from IT services is you can effectively avoid these hefty costs, as they offer subscription-based models that allow you to access the latest technologies without the burden of purchasing expensive equipment or software licenses outright.

MSPs also take over the task of regular hardware and software updates and maintenance at a fraction of the cost compared to managing it in-house.

Woman using IT services for her Perth business

10. Competitive edge in the market

When people talk about having a competitive edge in the market, we mostly assume it’s having state-of-the-art equipment or futuristic AI software. But most of the time, the best competitive edge you can have against your competitors is the ability to focus on innovation, customer experience enhancements, and overall business expansion.

With IT support services for your Perth business, you have dedicated professionals who will monitor, maintain, and optimise your IT systems around the clock. This shift allows you to nurture a more agile and resilient business that can adapt to market changes while at the same time staying one step ahead of potential disruptions – all without being bogged down by technical headaches.

11. Improved customer service and satisfaction

Managed IT services empower Perth businesses by delivering stellar customer experience and tailoring products and services to meet individual expectations, leading to a more personalised interaction that resonates with customers on a deeper level. From advanced data analytics to cloud computing solutions, these services enable you to understand your customers and tailor your interactions based on real-time insights.

With IT services, you can streamline your processes, create personalised interactions, and cater to customer needs more effectively.

The best way to improve customer service and satisfaction is by automating processes. This integration improves response times and frees up valuable human resources that can otherwise focus on more complex areas like inventory and supply chain management. It also enhances customer satisfaction and fosters long-term loyalty.

12. Enhanced network uptimes

Downtimes are more than just a technical glitch; they’re a financial nightmare. With costs averaging thousands per minute to millions per hour, every second counts when resolving these outages. You must have an MSP that helps prevent and address existing and potential network disruptions.

Keep note that your MSP should be proactive in tackling IT systems. A reactive approach is a band-aid solution to your current tech issue that will come back again sooner or later. So, rather than waiting for issues to emerge, your MSP’s proactive monitoring can help fix potential problems before they become big enough to disrupt operations.

Enhanced network uptimes are a benefit of IT services that foster a culture of continuous improvement within your Perth business.

13. Use the cloud like a pro

The cloud platform is a versatile tool with various uses, from hosting operating systems to running complex problems. It’s a dynamic ecosystem that adapts to the evolving needs of modern-day enterprises

One of the substantial benefits of the cloud is its ability to scale effortlessly, allowing your Perth business to expand its IT capabilities without the hefty investments in physical infrastructure. This flexibility is crucial for those who want to adapt quickly to changing business needs without needing extensive infrastructure upgrades.

One of the other benefits of the cloud is its handy-dandy backups. Cloud backups ensure data resilience and continuity for your business and customers. So, what cloud backup does is your data is stored on external cloud servers where it’s safe against hardware failures, theft, and other unexpected and potential events. This approach provides you peace of mind, knowing your data is safe and eliminates the need for costly internal backup solutions.

Cloud computing also plays an important role in corporate IT services for Perth businesses. It’s a convenient solution wherein agility and efficiency unite to help you adapt quickly to changing market demands while keeping your data safe and accessible constantly.

14. Better security awareness among teams

You spend thousands to millions of dollars on cyber security, but all that will go down when an employee clicks on the wrong link. Many have fallen victim to social engineering scams, with businesses losing millions, not to mention costs in corporate IT services to fix the issue. 

Unlike traditional hacking methods that target system vulnerabilities, social engineering tactics prey on human emotion and deception tendencies. Because of this, social engineering scams often go undetected, allowing attackers to gain the upper hand before being discovered. What’s worse, the psychological manipulation involved in these schemes makes it difficult for individuals to discern between genuine interactions and malicious intent.

A benefit of IT services for Perth businesses is they offer a proactive approach to cybersecurity by educating employees on cyber threats. This process will help enhance their ability to identify potential risks and empower them to take appropriate action in avoiding and reporting malicious IT attacks.

In OSIT, we offer monthly Security Awareness Webinars to our clients and followers. Our sessions, led by our own Security Expert, shed valuable insights into emerging cyber threats and best practices to safeguard your digital assets effectively. We welcome everyone to register for our monthly Security Webinar series - you can secure your seat here.

15. Focus on what matters to you

Outsourcing your technological needs to managed IT services in Perth means you're giving your business a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. So instead of allocating internal resources to troubleshooting tech issues or keeping up with software updates, you can rely on skilled professionals to proactively manage your systems, ensuring optimal performance and security.

Of course, if you have an internal team that manage your corporate IT services, they can redirect their efforts towards fostering innovation and let your MSP do all the routine operations. This way, your team can delve deeper into the core competencies that define your business.


Choosing the right IT services in Perth can change the game

Investing in the right IT services in Perth can unlock efficiencies that will change the landscape of your business. Partnering with the right provider can help you focus on your core operations and strategic goals without getting bogged down by technical issues. On top of it all, you can access expert knowledge and specialised tools that might otherwise be out of reach for those lacking the required IT budget to get you in the direction you want to go.

The level of pricing predictability offers you a sense of security and stability while at the same time gaining access to cutting-edge technologies and expertise that may be beyond in-house capabilities. This approach will help you stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

But you’d have to be with the right IT services provider.

When choosing an IT service for your Perth business, experience is key. With almost three decades of industry expertise, Office Solutions TI stands out as a reliable and proven provider that understands the ever-evolving needs of businesses in WA. Our track record speaks for itself, having successfully supported 920 companies and over 12,000 end users in achieving their IT goals. And with OSIT by your side, you can rest assured that your IT needs will be met with efficiency, expertise, and an unwavering focus on excellence.


Looking for the perfect IT services for your Perth business?

Trustworthy IT services are not just an investment but an essential asset in propelling your Perth business towards success in a rapidly evolving digital world.