Case Study

How a mining company acquired predictable IT costs & resolved their Microsoft Dynamics CRM issues with OSIT

About The Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA


Location: Perth, Western Australia
Users: 11 - 50
Industry: Resources

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CMEWA) is the peak resources sector representative body in Western Australia. The role of CME is to champion the Western Australian resources sector and assist it in achieving its vision to lead the world in sustainable practice through innovation and to underpin Australia’s position in the global economy. CME is a persuasive industry voice, adding value to our member companies in a dynamic and increasingly complex operating environment.

Business Objectives

  • Consolidate IT expenses
  • Secure fixed-price IT services and support
  • Improve boardroom telecommunications
  • Resolve ongoing Dynamics CRM issues

Executive Summary

CMEWA switch to All Inclusive Fixed Price Managed IT with Office Solutions IT

The team at The Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA (CMEWA) knew what they wanted – an all-inclusive fixed-price IT solution to consolidate their IT expenditure and a one-stop shop from their provider.

The current support solution they had been using was expensive, over-engineered and wasn’t tailored to suit the size of their organisation. When the opportunity came up to evaluate other IT providers, CMEWA chose to partner with Office Solutions IT to get the tailored all-inclusive managed IT solution they were looking for.

The Challenges

Rising IT costs and unpredictable expenses limited their ability to budget

CMEWA were used to outsourcing their IT support and Microsoft Dynamics CRM support, they had been doing so for years, although as costs of their support services rose the leadership team took the opportunity to evaluate the cost vs value vs benefits of their existing support agreement.

Barring niggling boardroom video conferencing issues, The IT system and support services they used worked well enough, although there was feeling amongst the team that they were not getting the full value of the services they were paying for. CMEWA were using enterprise-grade products to manage and support their system, which were over-engineered for their small business requirements and resulted in excessive IT support expenditure.

The support was available when they needed it, but grew frustrated with multiple support providers when they would have to explain themselves every time they phoned through to the pool of technical support personnel – often followed by an unpredictable bill for services outside of their support agreement. This fear of unexpected invoices and unpredictability around IT Support expenditure month to month was enough for CMEWA to seek a one-stop-shop for a fixed-price all-inclusive IT Support service.

The Solution

Tailored Managed Services Agreement

CMEWA reached out to Office Solutions IT for an all-inclusive managed support agreement with flat rate costs, so they can forecast their budget and do more with it.

The team at Office Solutions IT tailored a fixed-price support agreement managed by a dedicated IT Partner and a team of 5 support engineers. Office Solutions IT also included a Switch IT project that would seamlessly transition CMEWA from their existing support providers across to their new dedicated support team without experiencing business interruptions.

The Results

All-Inclusive Fixed Price IT Support and a dedicated responsive support team

CMEWA received the one-stop-shop they were looking for. From routine troubleshooting and Proactive monitoring, through to ironing out their video conferencing and Microsoft Dynamics CRM issues, CMEWA can now reach a dedicated Partner and a familiar team of engineers that know their setup personally to request everything that they need - without any reservations about how much it’s going to cost.

In addition, CMEWA also receive ongoing virtual CIO services from their dedicated Office Solutions IT Partner each quarter to provide an overview on the strategic direction of their IT and how they can economise their infrastructure to align it with their business goals moving forward.

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