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Is the cloud *really* secure?

Is the cloud *really* secure?

Igor Pavic Igor Pavic
Originally published on August 23, 2022
Last updated on March 7, 2025 Post a comment

Many believe the cloud is not secured. Nothing can be further from the truth! 

More businesses are now adopting using the cloud for their operations. And it’s only growing by the day due to its effectiveness in improving staff productivity and data accessibility.

But even with all the proven and tested advantages it provides, business owners and decision-makers are still hesitant to switch to the cloud. And why? Because of security.

Yes, we understand how scary it is to hand over your data and have another business, like a cyber security solutions provider, to keep it safe. We know that even some of the most recommended cloud storage solutions have their fair share of shortcomings. But with the right security strategy, your data will remain safe and intact against threats.

So, for the 1-million-dollar question: is the cloud as secure as it says it is? And if it is, how much?

Yes, the cloud is indeed a secure place to store your data.

This article will give you a brief but detailed walkthrough of the cloud, how it works, and its shortcomings.  

What is the cloud?

The cloud refers to servers accessible on the internet. The cloud lets you access software and services run from those servers using the internet instead of your local computer. You will need a trusted browser like Google Chrome or its corresponding mobile apps to access those cloud services.

Take Netflix, for example.

When you login into your Netflix account on a new device, you will see that all shows and movies on your watch lists are still in place, along with your history. If you notice, social media platforms like Facebook and email providers like Microsoft Outlook work similarly.

Taking advantage of the cloud will give you the upper hand against competitors.

Think about it.

If your team can access information anytime on any device, work gets done faster, and there’s more seamless collaboration and communication within the team. And this can lead to faster product delivery and a happier customer experience.  

How cloud security works 

It will take us a long time if we lay out the many ways cloud security works since it covers a wide range of tools and solutions. But even through all that, its goal remains the same: to only allow authorised individuals to access your business data.

Cyber Security Professionals recommend you implement various tools and strategies in your cloud security solutions to minimise risks and mitigate threats in the best way possible.

But switching to the cloud is not just about security. It can be beneficial to other areas of your business as well.

For one, it minimises your overall IT costs because you won’t need to do regular in-house server maintenance anymore. You can leave that responsibility to your vendor or managed service provider.

Another is the cloud makes it easier for you and your staff to work remotely, leaving you with the opportunity to have an international reach. When you and your team can access files and applications anytime and anywhere, you can work even without physically being in the office.

Is the cloud not secured? Find out the truth!

Sticking to legacy systems in the 21st century will not only hold you back from success but bring you more problems than it's worth.

With the cloud, you can store your data in a secured location accessible from various smart devices allowing you to access data wherever and whenever.

Here’s how the cloud secures your data, so you don’t have to: 


When you store your data in the cloud, make sure it’s encrypted and only authorised users have the digital key (which you should also guard extensively) to decrypt it. So when hackers gain access to your cloud storage, they cannot simply read through your files without problems. Of course, you want to make it as hard as possible for them until you can mitigate the issue.

Talk to your IT team or managed service provider about data encryption and whether your current cloud service vendor encrypts data upon transfer.  

Around-the-clock monitoring 

One of the advantages of adopting to a cloud environment is the 24/7 monitoring. Cloud service providers like Microsoft have around-the-clock IT security experts and a digital fortress called data centres fully equipped with solutions ready to act and mitigate issues in case anything (like malware and other threats) happens.  

Multilayer approach 

Maintaining data integrity is of utmost importance to businesses of all industries. But companies in the healthcare, mining, and finance industries impose tighter security measures when cloud security and IT (in general) are involved. Understand that there’s too much at risk if your data falls into the wrong hands, especially in these industries. So, the key is implementing a multilayer security approach with business-grade standards to detect threats and mitigate risks before they happen.

Talk to your IT team or managed service provider about software and physical security solutions with security compliance requirements.

So, is the cloud *really* secure?

There’s no perfect security system. No matter how sophisticated your cloud security is, there will always be vulnerabilities that hackers or rogue employees can exploit. That’s why you must implement a proactive mitigation strategy where you can save your data and infrastructure regardless of any threats and attacks.

Cloud security shortcomings 

Once you put your business data online, know that cyber threats are always ready to strike at any moment of vulnerability. That’s why cloud companies implement extensive security measures to prevent your data from getting into the wrong hands. But you can’t depend on their security 100%. You should also do your part in keeping the security integrity of your data.

When you shift to the cloud, don’t forget to bring mitigation strategies to the table. Think about it. What good is a security strategy without a plan to lessen damages in case your preventive measures fail?

Implement cyber security policies throughout your organisation, focusing not only on preventing but also on reducing damages as much as possible in case you fall under an attack.

There’s no harm in being too prepared to fight against cyber risks. Use strong cloud security policies to make it harder for bad actors to infiltrate your cloud infrastructure.

Here are only some of the fundamental ways to protect your data in the cloud:  

  • Use strong and unique passwords to all your online accounts  
  • Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA)  
  • Install software patches once available  
  • Use a private network instead of public wi-fi 

Summed up wisdom 

The cloud has helped transform businesses to be more flexible and agile. But this transformation also gave hackers countless opportunities to exploit your business using your technological vulnerabilities. Business owners and decision-makers need to implement the right security tools and processes to ensure that not only are operations working how they should be but that they’re also protected from threats.

Build your cloud storage solution with maximum security in mind. Implement the appropriate policies and procedures such as file encryption, monitoring, and a multilayer approach on top of data backup and recovery. You will also need to take further precautionary steps to your devices and accounts, such as ensuring MFA and auto-updates, are turned on to secure your cloud storage.

If you’re looking to enforce stronger security solutions into your cloud network, reach out to us and we’ll help you turn your business into a digital fortress.  

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