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What is cloud integration and what can it do for your business

What is cloud integration and what can it do for your business

Igor Pavic Igor Pavic
Originally published on January 10, 2023
Last updated on December 11, 2024 Post a comment

Technology is evolving at warp speed, and it is your responsibility as a decision-maker to ensure that operations can keep up with increasing business demands. If not, you’ll be stuck with a crucial problem that we in the IT world call data silos.

Since the development of the cloud, businesses and individuals alike now have a convenient way of removing data silos in their IT systems. However, this can only be the case if the cloud integration solution gets implemented correctly. And to do that, you will need the right tools - and sometimes the right managed cloud service provider - to handle your data effectively in the cloud.

Cloud integration opens businesses to new opportunities they didn’t realise were possible. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, organisations worldwide were forced to adapt to a hybrid or full remote setup. The cloud allowed them to telecommute with teammates, collaborate in real-time, work flexibly, and more.

In this article, we will explain cloud integration and how it can benefit your business.


What is cloud integration?

It’s typical for a business to use numerous cloud-based systems like Microsoft 365, Google Cloud, Slack, and Salesforce in their daily operations. But using more than one of these systems within your company (especially if each department has specific needs that only a particular platform offers) creates a digital divide making it hard to analyse data efficiently.

With cloud integration, you can connect and manage various cloud systems under one platform.

If your IT environment is all over the place, it will get more difficult for you to have a cohesive management structure. Only when you integrate your cloud services into one platform will you enjoy data scalability and accessibility.

Types of cloud integration

Businesses need to implement cloud integration depending on the component they want to address. In this case, it can either be data or applications.

Data Integration

Data integration is the cloud-computing process of combining data from various applications into one platform. This process gives businesses the ability to see data between repositories in real time. 

Application Integration

Application integration is the process of connecting applications under one cloud platform. Other than data, it also integrates the functionalities and parts from various applications with the use of APIs. 

What can cloud integration do for your business?

Cloud integration (whether fully deployed or not) can bring tremendous benefits to Australian businesses.

Let’s dive into some of them here:

Improve business operations

Once all your cloud-based applications get integrated into one place, everything from business operations to staff productivity is enhanced.

Think about it.

When you have real-time access to data in one place, you can focus on bigger and better things for your business instead of shifting from one platform to another, which is time-consuming.

Improve team adaptability and flexibility

As we always say: Your IT should work for you, not against you.

One of the purposes of cloud integration is to improve team adaptability and flexibility. And this goal is only achievable if the integration gets done according to your objectives.

The good thing about cloud integration is it is a very flexible process. It can adjust according to your business and accommodate growth when it happens. So not only is your information ready to access anytime and anywhere, but you also won’t need to worry about outgrowing your current process.

Improve internal collaboration

Data silos are bad for business because they can ultimately lead to inefficiency on so many ends.

For example, your sales team uses one application to process leads and quotes, while your marketing team uses another to manage their campaigns and track conversions. This setup often produces inconsistent data, which inevitably ends with you making the wrong business decisions.

With cloud integration, you can eliminate these impediments and get consistent and accurate data across different areas of your business.

Improve customer service delivery

Customer happiness is what keeps the business afloat.

If your customers are happy, they will remain loyal to your business. And sometimes, they can even compel others to do business with you.

To keep up with increasing customer demands, you must ensure that everything on your end is efficient. And cloud integration can help with that.

Once you have flexible and structured processes, you provide better customer service delivery.

Remember: When customers smile, so do you.

Raises competitive advantage

When you implement cloud integration within your business, you are opening yourself to various advantages your competitors may have yet to discover.

Because you can access data (from different platforms) in one place, you can make better data-driven decisions. And once you have that under your belt, you can provide better service, launch new products or services faster according to your customers’ needs, and take advantage of new (and unique) business opportunities.

Reduce operation expenses

Let’s be honest, subscribing to cloud-based applications can be costly and leaving it unchecked can damage your IT budget. With cloud integration, you can evaluate how your team uses each application and whether it serves its purpose for your business. This way, you not only manage your subscriptions better, but you also have a good view of your overall IT costs.


Is cloud integration the right move for your business?

In the 21st century, innovation is key.

The secret to getting ahead of the business game is taking advantage of the cloud, especially cloud integration.

But is it the right move for your business?

Well, that depends.

Although the cloud integration process is similar from one industry to another, you should modify the technology according to its purpose. For instance, a financial service company won’t have an identical cloud integration structure as a healthcare provider since they will need different applications to process their client’s finances.

If you’re thinking of integrating your operations to the cloud, you’ve come to the right place!

Whether you’re looking to deploy a hybrid or full cloud setup, we can help you get there efficiently and painlessly. Discover more about our cloud integration solutions here.

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