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Benefits of Cloud Integration

Benefits of Cloud Integration

Igor Pavic Igor Pavic
Originally published on January 17, 2023
Last updated on October 14, 2024 Post a comment

Your business needs the power of cloud integration to run efficiently in the 21st century.

Cloud integration is the procedure wherein processes, systems, IT environments, applications, and data are connected under one platform. If done right, your teams can access all components and data in real-time on any smart device.

Businesses adopt cloud integration into their operations because it improves their team’s productivity and collaboration. This switch enables them to access various tools and assets, which would make them more efficient in accomplishing goals. And one way you can achieve that - without having to worry about the technical mumbo jumbo - is with the help of a cloud service provider

Cloud integration opens the door to new opportunities. But sadly, there are still many business owners and decision-makers uncertain about the whole idea of cloud integration and how it will help them move forward.

We understand that.

We have encountered many people hesitant about switching to the cloud until they see how secure and efficient they’ve become.

If you’re thinking of integrating all your applications under one platform but are still unsure about it, let us show you the top eight benefits of cloud integration.


When your business grows, so will your workload. You will need an infrastructure that can handle the growing demands of your team, from increasing data storage requirements to the number of applications your team will use.

Cloud integration will help you seamlessly adjust to any growth requirements (whether you’re using XaaS or an in-house infrastructure) so you can do what you’re best at without worries.


As a business, you should be able to scale services and tailor packages that will fit your growing requirements. One of those requirements is the ability to access data anytime and anywhere.

When your business adopts cloud integration, you have the flexibility to share, access and analyse data right from any smart device. You can set administrator privileges and limit what your staff can and cannot access. You’re in charge of the data, applications, and tools used in your organisation.

This flexibility will give you the freedom to be more efficient in your operations, which can, directly and indirectly, affect various aspects of your business.


One of the best benefits of cloud integration that was proven time and time again is data accessibility.

During the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic when employees worldwide needed to work remotely, businesses (that depend on in-house infrastructures) had to use cloud integration platforms to retain operations.

With cloud storage, your staff can access company data anytime and anywhere. Everyone (especially people in different teams or departments) can access, share, and collaborate on data. And this advantage effectively improves productivity and prevents most (if not all) delays.

So, no more insufficient data flow or silos. Only efficiency.

Speed to market

Once you have scalability, flexibility, and accessibility under your belt, your productivity will skyrocket. And you know what that means: a faster delivery process.

Once you have the three cloud integration benefits mentioned above, you will have better communications between teams, and operations will become more seamless than ever. Cloud integration will help you deliver bigger and better services/products to your customers.


When you have a bird’s eye view of your applications and data handling, you tend to understand your overall spending better. You can also see applications your staff frequently use, available storage space, etc. This advantage will help you create the necessary IT adjustments and avoid unnecessary expenditures.

One of the most notable benefits of cloud integration is you can direct your budget to the areas where your IT needs it the most. For example, you see that your team doesn’t use one of your SaaS subscriptions, but you need a larger cloud storage space. So, like any other decision-makers, you would direct the budget based on where it's needed most.

Competitive advantage

The idea behind cloud integrations is to break data silos and streamline your systems. If your cloud integration is done right, you can reap the benefits of seamless team collaboration wherever they are on the planet.

Once you have that under your belt, you can provide better service and stay ahead of your competitors.

The downside of keeping your systems local (although it is alright if you prefer this setup) is you will have limited access to your IT resources. You must either be in the office or have a VPN-enabled office laptop or desktop.

Wouldn’t it be better to level up your IT systems considering the benefits outweigh the costs?

Better security

When your on-site backups fail, cloud backups will save you from data loss.

Managed Service Providers like Office Solutions IT highly recommend businesses use cloud-based backups and applications because they have more sophisticated security than on-site systems. You typically won’t have to worry about breaches or interruptions since vendors handle the issues quickly.

When you think about it, cloud-integrated platforms are more secure than on-site systems. But even if that’s the case, you should still keep your eyes peeled for cyber incidents. Establish proper security protocols, such as multi-factor authentication, setting admin privileges, and encrypting and backing up your data.

Reduce data silos

Cloud integrations make data storage and utilisation better. Since you integrate all your cloud-based applications under one platform, your team will have increased visibility of your data, collaborate on consistent data sets, and improve processes and productivity throughout the business. 


An important thing to remember

There are many things to consider if you want to implement cloud integrations into your IT. First, consider how this will help you in reaching your business goals. Then, look into the multiple factors such as security, latency, and long-term maintenance. It’s always best to explore your options by talking to a cloud professional to get the best solutions for your organisation.

If you’re thinking of adopting cloud integration technologies into your organisation, you can expect to see more than a few of the benefits listed above. Get in touch with us today so we can guide you with the right solutions to bring your business forward.

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