Our Service Catalogue


The goal of monitoring is to identify incidents, even when they have not yet caused a noticeable service interruption or service degradation.

Regular verification of system functionality is conducted using automated alerting features within software as well as the Office Solutions IT management agent, which is installed on each client server, desktop and laptop.

Automated checking for issues with backups, antivirus, disk capacity and health, memory and processor utilisation and other services. Monitoring is continually enhanced to include additional IT services.


The goal of access management is to ensure that an authorisation process is followed to obtain approval from an appropriate person prior to work being undertaken.


Office Solutions IT initiated updates to Microsoft Windows systems with the Office Solutions IT management agent installed.

Includes installation of service packs, patches and security updates for Microsoft Windows server and desktop operating systems, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Office, while these products are within the Microsoft supported lifecycle. Does not include upgrades to different editions or new versions of these applications.


An incident is an unplanned interruption to a service or a reduction in the quality of a service.

The goal of incident management is to restore normal operation as soon as possible and to minimise the adverse impact on business operations.

The focus of incident management is the restoration of normal service. The focus is not on finding the root cause of the incident, especially if that would delay the restoration of normal service. If the underlying root cause needs to be investigated, the incident should be resolved or a workaround established. A problem is then initiated through the problem management process.


A problem is the cause of one or more incidents. The goal is to prevent future incidents, or to minimise the impact of those incidents which can’t be prevented.

It is not necessary to determine the cause of a problem for every incident, only those incidents which have occurred multiple times, are likely to occur again in the future, or which will have a large business impact should they reoccur. Problem management can be reactive or proactive.

Reactive problem management can identify problems from suspicion or detection of a cause of one or more incidents, analysis of an incident by a technical support group, automated detection of an infrastructure or application fault, notification from a supplier or contractor that a problem exists.

Proactive problem management can identify problems from analysis of incidents, trending of historical incidents, quality of service activities.


Office Solutions IT initiated auditing and changes to IT systems to prevent or reduce the probability of incidents.

Typical activities include installation of service packs, patches and security updates for Adobe Reader, Flash, Air and Shockwave, Apple iTunes and Safari, Chrome, Firefox, PDF Creator and Java. Installation of service packs, patches and security updates for hardware and software managed by Office Solutions IT is included, while these products are within their supported lifecycle and while the product is under warranty or has an agreement in place with the product vendor for support and updates.

Resolution of incidents or problems as the result of a service pack, patch or security update performed by a third party may be excluded.


Repeatable processes are automated where possible, to improve our ability to resolve incidents and problems, and complete service requests in an efficient and consistent manner.

Automation allows for the automatic resolution of some incidents, to aid in the gathering of information required to resolve other incidents, to reduce the time required for software deployments, and to ensure that standard processes are followed when completing service requests. This allows us to improve the reliability of our client’s IT systems and reduces support costs by saving time in resolving incidents, problems and completing service requests. Our automation is continually developed and enhanced to improve our service.


The client initiated removal or retirement of hardware, software, services or configuration which are is no longer in use.

This includes deactivation of accounts, physical removal of equipment, secure removal of data, disposal of hardware and updating of documentation related to the hardware, software or services being decommissioned.


The client initiated addition of hardware, software, services or configuration. This includes setup of new computers, new software, new user accounts, setup of a new user profile on an existing computer, configuration of new equipment, addition of new features to existing software or services, testing of new hardware, software or services and resolution of any incidents or problems arising because of new hardware, software or services.


Decommissioned IT equipment is dis-assembled and re-usable materials such as steel, copper and aluminum are recovered. Hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic are safely separated and contained to prevent them ending up in landfills and waterways. Any data stored on equipment is securely destroyed prior to recycling.


Regular onsite visits from a Support Engineer are booked.

The visit duration and frequency is determined by the client’s requirements. This service can improve the employee’s engagement and experience with IT systems, as staff often have minor frustrations which they may not place a support request for, but will report to a visiting Support Engineer.

Additionally, the Support Engineer will often identify ways to increase the benefits staff obtain from existing IT systems by observing staff workflow and identifying potential improvements. Efficiency can be obtained by scheduling multiple low priority IT tasks to be handled during a regular scheduled visit.


A full managed email anti-spam and email anti-virus solution which provides email filtering and protection from spam, phishing and fraud attempts, content and attachment filtering.

Filtering is provided for both inbound and outbound emails. A complete email anti-spam and email anti-virus solution which includes deployment, configuration, updates and ongoing maintenance.


A fully managed security solution to provide protection for computers and servers. A complete anti-virus service which includes deployment, configuration, updates and ongoing maintenance of the anti-virus solution.


Project design is the initial stages of project scoping and planning. This includes requirements analysis and gathering of technical details. This leads to creation of a project proposal, designed to suit client requirements.

This proposal is reviewed with the client to ensure that the client understands the recommended solution and is satisfied with the proposal. Further changes to the design are made as required in consultation with the client. Once the client accepts the proposal, the project then progresses into the next phase, which is implementation.

Project management is ongoing during and following project implementation. An Office Solutions IT Project Engineer undertakes tasks required for the success of the project including communication with stakeholders, management of resources, procurement and third parties, monitoring project progress in accordance with project schedule, assessing and responding to any risks as the project progresses, and performing quality control following completion of project implementation.


Project implementation is the execution phase of a project, where the project is implemented in accordance with the milestones and deliverables identified during project design.

This is typically the phase of the project which requires the greatest amount of time. Depending on the project, this can involve tasks such as relocation of systems, installation of new hardware and software, migration from old to new systems, testing, staff training decommissioning systems which have been retired.


A flexible, informal event held at the client’s business to provide training to staff on an aspect of information technology.

These events may be held as part of regular staff training provided by the client for their employees, or during an informal office lunch.


A formal, structured training event with defined learning outcomes. Content and training material is developed with the client’s staff and desired outcomes in mind.


Think of Cloud Computing as a server and all of the IT infrastructure that goes along with that, however it is not located in your office, but in the cloud. We have the flexibility to customise the solution so that it fits your needs. You retain all of the advantages of cloud, the fact that it’s highly reliable, available from anywhere, scalable and with no large up-front costs.

We can design the right solution for you. This cloud be an option of Public Cloud where all of your IT is with a large cloud provider, or Private Cloud where you build your own cloud environment, or Hybrid Cloud which is a mixture of both Public and Private clouds.

Key benefits of our Cloud Computing solutions include:
- System ownership means you have complete control over what and where your information is stored, with options to store in Australia
- Highly reliable
- Asset and equipment investment that can be depreciated over a length of time
- Ability to upgrade systems without consulting other parties


Cloud Applications are where the program and it’s data are stored on the application providers servers. You can access the application from anywhere you have an internet connection.

We can advise on suitable Cloud Applications for your business with our vCIO services.


Cloud Backup is a solution for backing up data that involves sending a copy of the backup data off site over the internet to our cloud backup servers. The key benefits of this are high availability, rapid restoration times and local backup servers across Australia.

Read more at our Cloud Backup page.


Ideal for data that is not changing and only needs to be accessed infrequently. Instead of storing this data on site, move it to the cloud and save money.


Read more at our microsoft page.


The Partner can be contacted directly for handling of issues which the client would like to be treated with an extra level of care.

The Partner will work directly with the relevant team at Office Solutions IT to ensure the escalated issue is dealt with a prompt and effective manner.


Delivering highly customised managed IT solutions to Perth and Melbourne businesses, we recognise that no two businesses are the same.

The Partner meets with the client to determine a suitable level of IT services to meet the client's needs.

Service levels are customised to make sure that the IT services delivered are those which will be most beneficial for the client.


A report is emailed to the client each week showing details of the work conducted by Office Solutions IT during that week.

This allows the client to keep informed of all IT work being conducted by Office Solutions IT, as well as being aware of the service requests which are being lodged by the client's employees.


The Partner is available for regular meetings with client to discuss the client’s IT requirements.

Asset and service reports can be reviewed and discussed if the client is utilising these services. The Partner is also available for general high level advice on IT.


Monthly reports are prepared with details on the client's IT systems. Information included in the reports includes details of backups, system availability, system capacity and trends, age of equipment, antivirus status, security update deployment, licensing compliance, upcoming renewals and details on installed software.


Comprehensive monthly reports are prepared containing details of the IT service provided by a team of managed IT experts at Office Solutions IT.

The report includes service analysis, showing the amount of IT service delivered per location, per employee and for each classification of IT service. This allows the client to determine which employees, offices, or which particular components of their IT infrastructure require the largest amount of IT support.

The report also includes the length of time for which any unresolved support cases have been active; any upcoming software or hardware purchases or IT projects; the number of support cases for each piece of IT equipment or software; and a list of employees and level of authorisation as recorded by Office Solutions IT.


A comprehensive report is created following a major incident impacting IT services, when requested by the client.

This report identifies details of the incident and incident resolution; provides an assessment of the business impact; outlines the steps undertaken in investigating the underlying problem and the findings of the investigation; details any further required actions; and includes any recommendations to be implemented.


Office Solutions IT maintains a record of all hardware warranty expiry dates, software maintenance/support service renewal dates, and domain and SSL certificate renewal dates.

These are included in reports, allowing the client to plan ahead for renewals and ensuring that important renewals such as web domain registration and server warranties don't pass by without warning.


Formal checklists are created and used during the setup of accounts for new staff members and the setup of new computers.

The forms improve over the standard new user and computer processes documented by Office Solutions IT, providing the client full visibility into exactly what has been configured and which permissions have been granted.


Regular review of the client's service usage with an aim to reduce both the number of incidents, and the average time to get the client back up and running again. Recommendations will be provided to the client.


Planning strategy for the use of IT within the client’s business.

Office Solutions IT works with the client to identify changes within the business which will impact on IT requirements, items to be included within upcoming budgets, and a roadmap for IT within the business. This is typically undertaken when the client doesn’t require the more comprehensive Strategic Planning service.


An IT Health Check is conducted to provide the client with a broad overview of the current health of their IT environment, and to identify any potential areas of concern.

An easy-to-understand report is created, covering IT in four distinct areas: Information Security, Business Continuity, Productivity, and Value. The components which make up each area are listed and assigned a rating based on their compliance with best practice standards.


A budget is created to outline expected capital and operational IT expenditure throughout the year.

This allows the client to plan for items such as IT support costs, IT projects, license and warranty renewals, replacement hardware, and service subscriptions such as internet and telephony.

The IT budget helps to ensure that IT expenditure is aligned with the short and long-term strategy of the business, and helps the client to manage cash flow for their business.


An annual review of IT expenditure to ensure that IT services and purchases are delivering value.

Services such as internet service agreements are reviewed to determine whether superior services are available at the same price, or if pricing for existing services can be renegotiated.


Establish and maintain documented policies for engagement with IT systems.

These policies outline the expected behavior for staff utilising IT systems, to protect data security, comply with legislation and industry regulations, reduce the risk of malware infections, and for any other required outcomes. Common IT Policies include password policies, remote access policies, data storage and security policies, network access policies, acceptable use policies and cyber security policies.


This is the first part of establishing a Disaster Recovery Plan. Business functions and the IT systems and assets required to support them are identified, and a risk assessment is conducted to determine the threats and vulnerabilities to these systems and assets, both internal and external.

The risks of the various threats and vulnerabilities are assessed, and the impact from any disruption to the services is estimated. Risks can include business operations, financial performance and business reputation.

A Disaster Recovery Assessment allows a business to be aware of any risks posed to the IT systems which support business operations, and to begin to plan to mitigate these risks.


This builds on a disaster recovery assessment, and forms part of a business continuity plan. A comprehensive disaster recovery plan is created to outline the strategies and procedures to restore IT services to an acceptable level of performance within required timeframes following a disruptive event.

Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) are identified to outline the acceptable tolerance for any data loss, and the expected amount of time required for services to be restored.

Having a Disaster Recovery Plan means that a business can be confident that there are established processes in place for recovering from a disaster, and is aware of the estimated time and potential data loss which may occur as a result of various disasters.


The Switch IT process has been developed to remove the uncertainty and risk for clients who are switching to Office Solutions IT from another IT support provider.

The aim of the process is for Office Solutions IT to gain an understanding of the client’s business, and come up to speed as quickly as possible in order to provide a high standard of support.

The process includes meetings and coordination of support cutover, the full documentation of the existing IT environment; the changing of passwords and installation of management software; changing notifications of backup software; and installation of updates on servers and computers.


Ability to block unwanted devices such as USB memory sticks being connected to your company computers.


Protection from very advanced email threats by allowing unknown content to run in a contained environment to observe its behaviour before it reaches your IT environment.


Installation, management, support, upgrades and updates of your UTM device/s, including associated services such as Intrusion Prevention, Content Filtering and Gateway Antivirus.


Protection and management of your mobile fleet. Ability to secure company data on company and non-company issued phones alike.


Store your passwords and share them between team members securely. Maintain high level of password complexity easily and at the same time minimise the impact of key logging malware.


Working with you to ensure all your team members are aware of the company's cyber security policies


Protect your laptop computers from malicious websites when they are out of the office.


Cloud-based antivirus and antispam solution protecting you from the latest email threats.


Cloud based antivirus solution providing protection for your computers and servers from the latest threats.


Control which applications are allowed to run in your environment through a whitelist. Great defence mechanism against ransomware type of attacks.


Detect persistent hacking breaches improving the chance of detecting a breach should one occur.


Encrypt email communication, including attachments, to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, and prevent accidental data loss via emails.


Encrypt your computer's hard disk drive preventing unauthorised access to stored data when stolen or lost.


Build cyber security awareness within your team proactively. Product includes:

- 2x Training Sessions per year
- 4x Simulated Attacks per year


Second factor authentication during the login process for your IT services minimising the impact of key logging malware.


A comprehensive risk assessment of your environment, outlining recommendations and areas to address in regards to your cyber security risks.

Security Policy Creation

Security Policy Creation


Professional IT consulting begins with Business Intelligence. Business Intelligence involves the use of technology to analyze data and present information relevant to the client’s business.

This information can be used to improve decision making, identify potential cost savings and generate awareness of new business opportunities.

Business Intelligence systems can produce items such as interactive reports containing financial or other information, dashboards to display the current status of metrics and key performance indicators, comparisons between historic and current data, and the ability to display all of this information in real time, from your computer or mobile phone.

Business Intelligence can integrate with a number of popular databases, to make use of data the client already has available via their current software.


As one of WA’s leading IT consulting firms, we provide a top down, holistic approach to refining the client’s business IT strategy.

With the aim of making sure that the use of technology is aligned with the strategic goals for the business, and to identify the ways in which the use of technology can be improved to drive business outcomes.

Typically undertaken when the client requires a more comprehensive approach than the IT Strategy Planning service.


The creation of a business case, including an assessment of a business problem or opportunity, the benefits and risks from potential solutions, costs, timeframe and impact of implementation.

This is an important process to make sure that the problem or opportunity to be addressed is clearly defined and that potential solutions are evaluated to ensure they will adequately address the problem or opportunity. Additionally, a business case can be used to justify allocation of resources or expenditure towards an IT project.


The aim of requirements analysis is to discover, analyse, define and document the criteria to meet a business objective.

Without undertaking requirements analysis, the solutions which are ultimately delivered may not match what was expected. The process identifies key stakeholders and works with them to define exactly what is required from a new product or service.

This can include functional, operational, technical and transitional requirements. Once the requirements have been properly defined, potential solutions can be assessed to determine suitability.


Selecting a new software solution is often a large commitment for a business, not only in purchasing of licenses, but in terms of staff training, data migration and potential risk of software which is a poor fit for business needs.

A formal software selection process can remove much of the risk associated with this process, by analysing the business requirements for the software, identifying and researching possible solutions which meet requirements, and assisting with decision making to ensure the software selected is able to meet the business requirements.


Content management relates to the administration of digital content throughout the lifecycle of the content.

This includes creation of content, storage of content, publishing of content and archival or deletion of content. Other aspects of content management to be considered are access control and version management. Content management can make use of Content Management Systems (CMS) and processes around the management of content.


A systematic approach to identifying, analysing and improving upon current business practices.

The aim is to improve the value delivered by reducing or eliminating wastefulness in processes. This can be achieved by improving process effectiveness using techniques such as removing bottlenecks, removing steps which don’t add value to the process and making use of technology systems to optimise steps in a process.