Security Awareness Webinar

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Keep yourself and employees aware of good security practices

We setup systems, create processes, install clever software and even fight malware off with our bare hands. Ok, maybe not the last one but we’re passionate about keeping you safe online.

Securing systems with software is a good measure to limit risk, but not if it can be undone in just a few clicks...

Devious IT Geeks got Sophisticated

Crafty Tech Skills

Crafty Tech Skills

To exploit out of date systems/software and leak user information.

Malicious Software

Malicious Software

To invade then steal, leak and/or encrypt data before holding it for ransom.



To target deceptive attacks and manipulate you into divulging sensitive information.

So our Friendly IT Geeks got even more Sophisticated

Be aware that there’s more to fighting off cyber-attacks than updating your anti-virus and adding an extra digit to your password. Especially when it comes to that last one. Phishing. And for most data breaches, almost all cyber-attacks start with phishing.

But fear not...

Join our very own technical specialist for an informal discussion as he walks you through examples of modern day cyber attacks while showing you what to look out for, so you can stay safe online.

Online Training

Online Training

Our security awareness training is entirely online and run by our technical specialist.

It's 100% Free

It's 100% Free

Just click below to register and enter your details to book your seat in our next session.

Live Q&A

Live Q&A

Our technical specialist will be available to answer your questions, so you can stay safe online.

Our Recent Blogs

Check out our recent blogs below, or browse our full range of blog articles for more insights, guidance and support content.

Why healthcare IT services is a must, not a should.

IT has been around to help businesses adapt to customer needs and competition. It brings nothing...

MSP vs vCIO: What’s the difference and which one is right for you

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Why You Need Managed IT Services to Safeguard Success

Why You Need Managed IT Services to Safeguard Success

Today, businesses can no longer afford to view Information Technology (IT) as just a supporting...
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