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Is Windows 10 worth the upgrade?

Is Windows 10 worth the upgrade?

Igor Pavic Igor Pavic
Originally published on September 23, 2015
Last updated on December 12, 2024 Post a comment


The short version? Probably.

The slightly more expanded explanation?

It depends on your circumstances. Continue reading to see where your business fits.

If you are currently running  Windows 8:

Windows 10 is a solid operating system and a definite upgrade over Windows 8. It's much less confusing and simply works better. There are plenty of new features, however, it's worth the upgrade purely from a standpoint of that it's easier to use.

Be sure to check to see if all your applications and services that you use are compatible. For example, at the time of writing this blog, the ATO portal does not work in Windows 10.  As always, some training is suggested so that your users get up to speed as quickly as possible.

If you are currently running Windows 7:

This is more subjective. It depends on how much the new features will benefit you and your team.  Features such as virtual desktops and windows snap can help your team be more productive, however, it boils down to a judgement call versus the time and expense involved in an upgrade. Our IT Managers can discuss and advise you based on your needs.

If you are currently running an older operating system?

We'd suggest getting Windows 10 with a new computer. If your computer is old enough that it pre-dates Windows 7 it's probably not worth the time and effort to do the upgrade. In addition, Windows 10 is only a free upgrade from Windows 7 and 8.

Set up Windows 10 with OSIT

If you're looking for a reliable IT service provider that can handle all your Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 requirements, you can get in touch with us here.

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